Book Restoration is a process making worn or damaged books usable again, restoring them as close to the original as possible. It is a demanding craft requiring considerable training, experience & skill on behalf of the bookbinder.
Our 3 bookbinders together have accumulated over 100 years bookbinding experience working here at the studio alone; together with our expert Calligraphers, Illustrators & Gilders they have delicately preserved many old and decaying books and works of art.
Old books can be expertly re-bound to preserve them for the future.
We also bind printouts of digital documents not currently in book form.
Please enquire for details.
In addition to binding original pages, old damaged title pages can be scanned, repaired and printed for inclusion into the repair.
Please enquire for details.
Old framed pieces can be conserved for future generations
Please enquire for details.
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